Monday, February 2, 2009

What's Happening This Week

First of all I think the Activities Committee/Council deserves a shout out for their awesome Hawaiian party they threw. So props on that. This is what is going on this week (as far as we kn0w).

Monday- FHE, I'm sure each group will have some sweet activity, so go. Always good to support church activities.

Tuesday & Wednesday- Institute 7:30 in 115 MCKB
-Meet up at the Chatsworth Mailboxes at 7:15 to walk up.
Tuesdays: Old Testament
Wednesdays: "Teachings of the Living Prophets" by the famous Caleb Manscill. (I hear he once dated Mandy Moore, you should ask him about it)

Thursday- Thirsty Thursdays at Apt. 401, 8:00. Come for your fill of "The Office" and drinks.

** Don't forget to keep up with our 2009 Scripture Readings and to do your Home/Visiting Teaching**

Also, if you're looking for some date ideas for this next week you can always check out

If you scroll down on the left-hand side you can either type in a keyword or check dates to see what is going on. You can also stop by the UVCVB (Utah Valley Convention and Visitor's Bureau) on University Avenue to get a passport book with coupons..... and yes that was a shameless plug for my work.

Have a great week!


The Publicity Council

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