Hey Ward-
So it's completely freezing outside...what a great state we live in. This week be sure to check out Institute on either Tuesday or Wednesday, it's always a fun and spiritually uplifting time. Also, make sure to attend Thirsty Thursday at OA 406 for smoothies and The Office...it's the greatest combination since cookies and milk. Other reminders are to do your home/visiting teaching and to keep up on the Ward Scripture Study. Oh, and don't forget to cheer on BYU as they go to the Mountain West Tournament, it's going to be great (hopefully).

All right, so in other news how many of you feel a tad bit like this when you're searching for a job?

We are working with your stake high councilman responsible for employment to distribute information to you that you can pass on to members of your ward. A newsletter (first issue attached to this email) will be emailed mid-week to you and a blog has been developed located at http://byucareer.blogspot.
So fellow job searches, be sure to check out this sweet link. That's all I have for now. I'm sure there's loads of things I forgot to write and if you have an announcement be sure to email one of the publicity council or the ward email. Thanks, have a splendid week/weekend.
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