Tuesday, February 8, 2011

FHE--Flirting Harvests Enchantment!

Bishopric FHE's are always delightful and insightful.  What was learned at February seventh's FHE?  Tonight's lesson was How to FLIRT at a ward activity.

Step one:  The initial attraction.  How do you get that special someone to notice you?  Impress them with your various talents.

Way to go for the sisters.

Serenade those girls!

Are there tennis balls up your sleeve?

Step two: Let them know you think highly of them.  A little positive reinforcement goes a long way.

Step three:  Nothing says love more than a gaze into that special someone's sea green/ice blue/milk chocolate brown/hazel eyes.  Let them read your soul!

Step four:  The lean.  Casual but sexy.

Step five: Dr. Phil says....8 out of 5 psychologists say that in clinical trials a strategically placed hand elevates the relationship.

Too high? Friends. Too low? Not ward blog appropriate. Just right--jackpot! -Hitch

Step six: The triple threat. Touching, teasing, and total eye contact.

Step seven: "Can I have your numba, can I have it?"

Step eight: Be engaged.

The questions still remaining...

1. Are you allowed to date those whom you home teach?

2. Furthermore, is dancing at a ward activity attractive?

3. Are neck grabs that attractive? Or is it just Preston?

4. Are double roommate combo's allowed?

5. When is it too late? I think they are out of the question.

Moral of the story: follow these simple guidelines and you will fall head-over-heels in love!

Click here for all the FHE pictures.


  1. Yep... there I go being embarrassed again...

  2. So guys... question number three, let's get some feedback...
