Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Sean--March 17

Born on the day of St Patrick, Sean Patrick Edwards is from Bloomington Indiana. A Hoosier in every way, SPE is studying political science at BYU. Sean's love of music is second to none. If political science doesn't work out, he could always get a job as a street musician. During his mission to Poland, Sean through a plate out the window and nearly crushed some Polish grandmas... If you would like to bond with him, food is your ticket. Sports are an integral part of Sean's life and those who have experienced a sporting event with SPE know his intensity. He apologizes to any one that watched the world cup last summer at Brother Burr's. If you swing by the TAJ, grab a chair, enjoy some food, and listen to the music--SPE will treat you well.

Happy Birthday Sean!


  1. Po tylu latach po prostu pozdrowienia z Polski Sean:)
    Elżbieta Maria Brygida
    PS a jakbyś kiedyś w Polsce był to koniecznie daj znać!

  2. Po tylu latach po prostu pozdrowienia z Polski Sean:)
    Elżbieta Maria Brygida
    PS a jakbyś kiedyś w Polsce był to koniecznie daj znać!
