Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Final Post

As spring/summer is now here I am no longer the official ward blogger.  So I will put up a few pictures from our last few ward activities.  Hope everyone has a fabulous summer!

The home evening broom ball activity.

When I heard we were doing an activity with brooms I really hoped it would be quidditch...oh well!  It was still fun.

A little bit of competitive spirit.

The casualties.

Disclaimer:  I only had photos from the group I was in.  If you have more pictures from Wheres Maldo you are welcome to add them.
The cowboy.

The polygamist group.

Waldo himself.

Hippie Power!

The Indian.

It has been a great semester!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Katie and Katie--April 20

Katheryn Obrien Golding is turning 20!!! and she is an music education major so she will be here forever. She responds to Kath Katsie and kaitlyn. She is the oldest of five girls. She has moved all over the place including Hawaii, Michigan, good old emery county utah, Colorado and that is just scratching the surface. the next move for her and her family is California. she is a wanderer. You can catch katsie in the spotlight dancing and singing she is a participant in womens chorus. She will most likely swoon over you if you bring her flowers. It's her own  Achilles Heel. She is a big fan of the wild life. 50 cent maceys ice cream small twist can hit the spot any time. Don't be deceived by the blond. she is not ditz. she is a dedicated journal writer. Her personality is vibrant, beautiful inside and out. Past time of choice? hot springs. As for her favorite color...well she can pull off wearing the color purple better than anyone i know. most importantly..she can kick anyone's trash at MARIO WII. bring it. embarrassing stories. well one day at church, her and trace struck up a conversation concerning their encounter on the track. They were talking about how they should jog together sometime. so naturally katie says. Of course we should run together.. you're our inspiration. awk. she turned tickle me pink and greg started laughing in the background. welp. trace in honor of you[i suppose] katie is a frequent visitor at the track. Thanks for the inspiration. she is on the market men! get her while she's hot!! and she's always hott! 

Today we also celebrate the birthday of Katie Lund.  She went on her mission to France.  (She is actually in France right now, pretty legit.)  Katie is from Salt Lake City and such a sweet girl.  (Unfortunately we don't have a picture of a ton of information on Katie, but I do know that she is AMAZING!)

Happy Birthday to Katie and Katie!  Hope you have a fabulous day.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Zach--April 18

Happy Birthday to Zachary William Anderson. Las Vegas NV. Served in Boston MA. Going to orthopedic school in AS to specialize in foot and ankle surgery. Likes to fish. Multiple time All state tennis and volleyball champion. Likes to fish. Reads his scriptures and writes in his journal every night. Great cook. likes to fish. Gentleman. Remodel for children. Well versed in classic rock. Expert skills in driving snowmobiles. Likes to fish. Precision marksman. Gospel scholar. Model athlete. great paternal skills/instincts. Cute nieces and nephews (comes from good stock so guaranteed beautiful children). Accepted elaborate predestinational assignment. Entrepreneur. Loves to fish. Eats healthy. Scores high on logic sections of standardized tests and rated top in instinctual skills on similar tests. 

Happy Birthday Zach!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Lauren--April 15

Today is Lauren Call's birthday.  Lauren is from Kaysville, shes a nursing major. (VERY SMART!), she plans to become a Nurse Practitioner. She loves to dance. She just got home from serving a Mission in Montana. Trained by Mellissa Engstrom. She misses her mission everyday! She is very disciplined and tidy. She is the best example and is always happy. She loves to go on dates! She wants to get married within the next year- but she still needs to find that lucky guy! Her Favorite Roomate is Meghan. 

Happy Birthday Lauren!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Rebecca--April 10

Rebecca Blake is turning 23 today.  She grew up in Midland, Texas and is the 7th of 8 kids in her family.  She recently returned from her mission to Trujillo, Peru, and she loved being able to spend 18 great months there.  Rebecca loves music and is very talented at playing the piano and clarinet.  She also enjoys learning how to play other instruments.  She enjoys trying and cooking new recipes and foods, and she likes to talk and giggle with the best of 'em.  She can't imagine being at BYU without being in the Cougar Marching Band, 'cause she loves it so much (including the free access to BYU football games).  Rebecca's plans for the future include finishing her Elementary Music Education degree and TESOL K-12 Bilingual minor at BYU, all of which should only take a couple more years (can you believe it's the longest major on campus?).  She also desires to be a temple worker in the Provo Temple, marry the man of her dreams (she literally does dream about boys sometimes...), and to live life to its fullest.  Though her phone number is not currently listed in the ward directory, you boys are in luck -- her roommates all have it and would love to pass it on so you can ask her out!  

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Emma--April 6

Emma Lynn Webster is from Redondo Beach, California.  She turns 21 today!! WOOT WOOT!  She is currently a Public Health major, but is transferring starting MAY to Utah College of Dental Hygiene in Orem.  She was just accepted on Friday. YAY!  She plans on getting her Masters in Public Health and ridding the world of dirty teeth and cavities.  Look for her in the future for all of your teeth cleaning needs.  Emma LOVES sweet treats, and her current obsessions are cake balls and chocolate dipped cones.  On an average day, you can find Emma yelling our roommate's numbers out of our window or dancing for the Taj. (If anyone is interested this normally takes place nightly around 9pm).  Emma's favorite past time is prank calling and she loves the color purple.  Happy Birthday Emma!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Brad--April 3

Today is Bradley Richard Glenn's birthday.  Brad is from Arizona and a mechanical engineering major.  He likes The Office golfing and his fiancee. Yes, he is taken...congratulations to him!  He will be a Nuclear Engineer for the U.S. Navy upon graduation.  His favorite treats are Costco food and a double-double from in-n-out. He served a mission in Costa Rica and he has 5 of the world's funniest jokes.

Hope you have a terrific birthday Brad!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Kathryn--April 1

Kathryn Marie Seely turned turning 20 today. She hails from the great town of Provo. She is majoring in English with and editing minor. She currently keeps the honors program running by working at the advisement center. She loves to travel and has visited too many places to list, but she has lived for an extended period of time in London and her favorite city, Jerusalem. Her favorite treats are chips, she'll almost do anything for them. And her favorite color is red. Her family is the center of her life and it's a guarantee that she'll make your day brighter. If you want to ask her out I'm afraid you lost your chance as she is already taken.

Happy Birthday Kathryn!