Saturday, July 2, 2011

Happy Birthday America!

In the month of July we celebrate the birth of our country, express gratitude for the freedoms we have a citizens of the USA, and recognize the men and women who sacrifice so much to preserve those rights! Happy Birthday America!
These are the choice ward members who share a birth month with our country...lucky:

July 9th: Laura Gilpin
July 12th: Danielle Julander
July 15th: Andrew Anderson
July 16th: Jordan Mann
July 20th: Alison Spencer
July 22nd: Kia Palmer
July 23rd: Chris Smith
July 29th: Hilary Davis

So when you see any of these folks wish them a very happy birthday.

Enjoy your 4th of July celebrations, check out the Freedom Festival, the Stadium of Fire fireworks, and be safe!!