Friday, July 5, 2013

Trivia Night: The Greatest Knowldege Test Against Peers

Tyler Mower gave us a really nice treat for trivia night this week. It was really good! We had a lot of people come and join us over at the Mower's. We ended up being on their lawn and Tyler did a quiz type Trivia Night. He would say the question and how much that question was worth. We then wrote down what we thought the answer was and then grade ourselves based off of the honor code. It was a great way to go about testing our knowledge on our great country! Dan McIntosh ended up winning with a close call between Ben Haymond and Bro. Mower. It was a really exciting ordeal. Dan ended up winning one of Tyler's T-shirts, as in one that he made. The rest of us enjoyed Bro and Sis. Mower's famous homemade cobbler and some lemon bars. We then had our own firework show, also provided by Tyler. It was really fun and we all enjoyed each others company.
Trivia Night is a great tradition in which the person who hosts gets to pick the topic, the prize for the winner, and how the questions are going to be answered. It is a great time for each of us to get to know each other better and to test our knowledge. If you guys would love to join, including the Bishopric and their families, we have it every Wed. at 9pm in All. 14. So tell your friends and come and join us for a night of fun and learning.
(PS. Sorry for the lack of pictures. I forgot to take pictures. T-T)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Softball: A Whoops and Some Fun

Sorry, for the image quality, the lights were really bright and this is my phone that I'm using. But over all our Softball team has great potential. They were doing great for it being 7 players against 10 players. It was a lot of fun to see our friends in action to try and stop the other team from getting onto base. We did have a slight accident. Josh Guerrero tried to catch a pot fly and ended up catching the ball with his face, unfortunately. Josh is fine though, just a couple of stitches and looking like a panda for a couple of days. This made it that we were down by two players though. We did really well though and hope to possibly win the next game. You guys should all go and support them and then support the Ultimate Frisbee team that was just put together. Here are some pictures from the game.

World Wide Leadership Training
Here is a recap for those of you who were unable to watch or would like a reminder of this spiritual event. The broadcast itself was done very beautifully. The choir was really big and they sang wonderfully. The Church even showed off what their technology can now do. Doing live phone conferences to Washington DC; Lima, Peru; and Hawaii. They also helped us to define what our Quorum of the 70 is around for. They are here to help preach the gospel and to be a witness unto the Gentiles. We are then to look at our area 70 for guidance in what we should be doing for Missionary work.
 Along these lines, Missionary work has moved forward in the fact that Missonaires can now use e-mail, Facebook, and to contact people. They have even started to open up meeting houses, so then people can take a look inside of our churches. And this brings us to the main point of this meeting, that we as members all need to be ward missionaries.
What this means is that we should be willing to talk to people about our religion. I don't mean that we should go forth and try to convert someone on our own. I'm saying that if there is someone in your life that seems interested and asks you a lot of questions about religion then say, "Hey, I have these two friends that are totally willing to answer any questions that you might have about my religion. Would you like to meet with them?" Sounds simple enough but I know that you will need to have some courage, but if we pray for the strength and courage then we can all meet someone that will be willing to be spiritually uplifted. I believe that this was the main message that the First Presidency was trying to tell us, and so we should honor this request by trying our hardest to be Ward Missionaires. Let's put our best foot forward and strive to do our best. I know that we can do it.